College Automation

Educational ERP Solution (integrated with mobile Apps)

Logicrack Infosystem (P) Ltd. provides Customized ERP solution for Universities, Colleges, and other Educational Institutions integrated / accessable from mobile application. Our Educational ERP solution is one of the best customized solutions in the same domain and many leading Universities and Colleges in WestBengal, Orissa, Assam taking advantage of our ERP in conducting their day to day operations: administrative as well as Academic. This helps colleges and universities to save time, money and resources. The College ERP allows you to manage the entire academic and administrative processes hassle free.The automated notification system allows you to seamlessly connect Teachers, Students, Administrators and Parents and keep them informed in real-time on all aspects of the institution.
For further information on how it works, its advantages, pricing, infrastructure and the timeline for implementation, kindly contact us at or can call us directly anytime (Yes, anytime) @ +91 9830192838 / 9007484155.

Key Features of our Customizable SMART CAMPUS NEP 2020 GUIDELINES

Online Counseling & Admission

Payment gateway integration, Counseling, Admission Form, Fees Collection, Student enrollment, Hostel Allocation, ID Card Generation (Bulk).

Student Information System(SIS)

Student Information system: Personal, Academic, Contact Details etc., , Student Blue Book, Disciplinary Record, Scholarship tracking, QR Code based Attendance Management, Extra-Curricular Activities, NAAC / UGC / AICTE enabled MIS reports etc.

Fees Management (Online / Offline)

Fees structure, Fees Due Generation, Fees collection, Due Report, Payment History, Online Fees collection, Integrated with accounts module etc.

Session Management

Configuration of Academic Session, Departments, Courses (CBCE / Old), Subject, Teachers, Class routine generation, LMS etc.

Class Routine Generation

Semester Wise Class Routine Template Generation Class Routine Publication Subject wise Class Load Report ( Planned vs Actual ) Faculty wise Class Load Report ( Planned vs Actual ) Realtime Class Routine Actual Vs Planned Student Class Attendance Faculty Performance Audit Trail Report (real time routine alteration ) Customize MIS Report

Attendance Management

Class wise attendance, Attendance reports, Bio-metric / Mobile App-based attendance management

Library Management

Student Registration, Lib Card generation, OPAC, Book Inventory and Indent generation, Book search, Digital Library /e-Book, Book issuance & return, Late fee collection, Reports etc.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Subject wise Learning Session/Topic Creation, Teacher and Student mapping, Session wise Document upload, post-session assessment, Intellectual Property Management, reports etc.

Online e- Notice Board

e-Notice board, Notice Creation and Publication for customized audidence,PUSH Notification, SMS & Email Integration, Audience or target based notice publishing etc.

Examination Management

Pre Exam, During Exam and Post Exam Management module, Exam configuration, seat plan generation, question paper setting, printing and delivery management, Enrollment, exam attendance, assessment, marks entry, result publishing, report card generation, MIS reports etc.

Online Test (OLT)

Question Bank- MCQ / Subjective question, Exam configuration, Enrollment, Conducting Online test, Online assessment and marks entry, result publication, reports.

Help desk

Service request / Issue ticket / Complain generation, service management, request life cycle management, student / parent / staff wise service report generation etc.

Hostel Management

Hostel Master entry, room / bed master, room / bed allocation, Hostel attendance and leave management, hostel fees collection, disciplinary record, MIS reports etc.

Transport Management

Vehicle registration, vendor registration, student registration, route configuration, attendance management, transport fees collection, MIS reports etc.

Students/ Parents/ Teachers Portal

Web based portal for all stakeholders, Portal registration, Personal information View/update, Participating on Feedback/Survey, Viewing attendance, Exam, and disciplinary records etc.

360 degree Feedback & Survey

Feedback and Survey configuration, Inviting Teacher/ Student/ Parents to participate, Assessment and MIS reports.


Recruitment Process, Teaching / Non-Teaching staff Registration, Leave management, Expense Claim, Attendance with Bio-metric integration, etc.

HRMS & Payroll

Mothly Salary Configuration, Integrated with biometric attaendance Payment advice Salary Earning and Deduction Head Configuration, TDS Management, PF/ESI register, MIS reports generation etc.

Financial Accounts

Configuring Financial Year, Account groups, Ledger Master, Cash / Bank ledger, Receipt/Payment voucher, contra voucher, Journal, Balance sheet,Trial balance

Purchase & Inventory

Item/Product master, purchase indent generation, vendor and supplier management, tender publication, quotation comparison, PO generation, Purchase entry, GRN, Inventory management, MIS Reports etc.

Asset Management

Asset Master, Asset Identification Number generation, Barcode Generation, Asset Allocation, Asset transfer, Asset maintenance, MIS Reports etc.

Training and Placement

Recruitment Drive,Filtered students notification,inhouse or external training management,Placement Reports, MIS Reports.

Integrated Mobile App

Students, Parents, and Teachers will be able to perform all operations using this mobile app which are available in Students/ Parents/ Teachers Portal.

360 deg. Feedback Management

Any types of Feedback aubmission, self assessment , peers feedback,customizedMIS Reports (with diagrametic view)

..... College ERP
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